Tuesday, May 24, 2022

GUNS: Steps We CAN Start To Take Now!

Guns. Mass murders. Schools. Kids. Again!

We've seen and heard enough over the past couple of weeks

Now, the time has come to get real and deal with the problem that faces us.

Yes, there's been enough finger-pointing and there's more than enough blame to go around.
And everybody's culpable here. The Democrats certainly aren't without blame as they had the White House and clear majorities in both houses of Congress and they actually did little to stem the tide of gun crime. 

Indeed, the assault weapons ban expired in 2004 but once Barack Obama and the Dems gained complete control in 2008, they didn't reinstitute the ban. For the record: the ban was originally signed into law by Bill Clinton but even President Reagan supported it. So, yes -- this is a problem for both parties.
Blame, blame, blame, blame and blame.

OK. Now that we've said that and have gotten that out of our system, what now?

What should we actually do?

No single action will be a panacea.
There's no easy answer here. But steps must be taken.
To any reasonably sane person the following steps would appear to be obvious priorities:

1) The assault weapons should probably be re-eneacted. There's no guarantee it will stem the tide of violence but there's no reason not to put it back into effect, either.

2) Background checks must be toughened.

3) Much tighter controls need to be put on gun ownership by persons with mental disorders. In the case of unstable or questionable persons who already possess guns, the idea of a gun ownership restraining order seems to have merit. 

4) As has previously been noted, bump stocks must be banned.

5) Hollywood and the popular culture and the media must be held accountable. The glorification of violence must be halted. This ain't no movie and it ain't no video game. This is serious now, understand?

6) The crisis of boys with absent fathers must be addressed. It's nothing less than a time bomb.

7) Social media must come to the table. They share some of the responsibility for this.

8) We must beef up security in ALL schools including the posting of armed guards. Here, we can use retired law enforcement and retired military if need be. Billions of dollars for schools as part of the COVID monies, remains unspent. That money must be used for school security. 

9) The mental health crisis in this country must be addressed. There are far too many deranged people out and about. Also, mental health counselors may be needed in more schools.

10) Respect must be restored for the sanctity of human life and that means that we must have the courage to address the abomination that is abortion on demand. Remember: respect for human life is not a selective matter. And while we're add it, respect and support for law enforcement must be restored as well.

And one more thing: parents (especially indigent parents) should be given school choice. Parents deserve the right and the financial help, through vouchers, to send their children to secure private or parochial schools. 

Our nation is facing a very, very, serious situation.
All sides must accept responsibility and all sides must be willing to cede something for the greater good. There can be no progress until and unless that happens. 

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