Tuesday, May 10, 2022

NJ Law: Fem Products In Boys' School Bathrooms?

New bill would likely mandate feminine hygeine supplies for N.J. boys’ school bathrooms

From Save Jersey, by Matt Rooney, cross posted with permission:

Just when you think it couldn’t get any crazier, Save Jerseyans, then it does.

On Monday, the Senate Education Committee approved a Democrat bill (S-1221) that would likely require boys’ school bathrooms serving students between 6th and 12th grades to be stocked with feminine hygiene products (such tampons and sanitary napkins) at no cost to students.

According to one veteran Republican legislator, the sponsors (including Chairman Vin Gopal) failed to explain whether the bill applied only to girls’ bathrooms.

“It’s absolutely nuts that nobody could tell us in committee today if the proposed bill applies only to girls’ bathrooms,” said state Senator Mike Doherty (R-23). “It would be completely and utterly ridiculous to force New Jersey schools to make tampons and sanitary napkins available in boys’ bathrooms. It would be an immense waste of money and is almost certain to lead to vandalism that could be quite costly to repair. The sponsors should accept reasonable amendments to make clear that the legislation applies to girls’ rooms only.”

Doherty proposed a clarifying amendment but it was tabled by Democrats.

He’s not imagining a problem, folks.

Out in Oregon, Democrats recently rammed through a “Menstrual Dignity Act” requiring that public schools stock female sanitary products in boys’ bathrooms.

This latest craziness comes mere months before the state’s highly-sexualized new “Sex Ed” curriculum standards take effect pursuant to which young children (as early as age 7) will learn about transgenderism and other adult topics including the function of the female clitoris.

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