Sunday, May 15, 2022

Self-Serve Gas For NJ? A Band-Aid At Best . . .

From Matt Rooney at Save Jersey (reposted with permission):

Record gas prices are keeping the self-serve gasoline debate alive in New Jersey though it seems unlikely that an already skittish Democrat majority will touch the ultimate third rail of Garden State politics anytime soon.

On Saturday, the average gallon of unleaded hit $4.528 in New Jersey. Diesel is at $6.280 (another record), and in landlocked Somerset County the price is already eclipsing $4.60.

Relief remains elusive with the current leadership in place. Earlier this week, the Fuel Your Way NJ coalition ( tried to advance the pro-self serve cause by coordinating with gas stations in 15 counties. The promotion: a coordinated price drop to give motorists a preview of what kind of discount they could expect if owners no longer had to pay attendants.

The projected savings: about 15 cents a gallon.

That works out to around $2.00 saved per tank fill-up depending upon the size of your tank the grade your card utilizes.

Nice? Sure. Every little bit helps, and the bigger issue (for those of us who believe in free markets) is choice. There’s no government safety interest since 49 of 50 states have self-serve gas without experiencing an outbreak in Zoolander-style accidents. Trenton has no business mandating anything in this arena.

That being said, it’s important to note that saving a couple of bucks (at best) when your average New Jerseyan is currently spending $50, $60 or much more per visit isn’t going to do much to move the needle for struggling motorists.

Our nation needs a real energy independent policy of the kind we had during the Trump Administration. We’re blessed with bountiful resources and we should use. Responsibly, yes, but without fear or shame. Natural gas, drilling, and yes, nuclear. New pipelines and plants and rigs.

The White House cancelled an oil/gas lease sale in Alaska just this weekIt’s insane. The Biden approach makes us more reliant on foreign despots and cartels who hate us and unreliable “renewable” technologies that aren’t ready for prime time (some may never be). The end result is higher prices for everyone.

Anything short of full energy independence is a band aid at best, Save Jerseyans.

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