Thursday, May 26, 2022

Watch As NJ Dems Block Rebates For Families

During a session of the New Jersey Senate today, Democrats violated the rules of the Senate to improperly block a vote on legislation that would provide an immediate $500 rebate to most New Jersey families.

Included below are Durr’s full remarks as prepared for delivery to the Senate:

Mr. President, New Jersey families are struggling today.

Gas prices are the highest they’ve ever been, and inflation is increasing the cost of groceries and other goods and services at the fastest pace in a generation.

And while all of that is happening, the State of New Jersey has made the problem worse by collecting billions of dollars more from taxpayers than we expected or need to fund our budget.

People need help, and they need it today.

Senate Republicans have proposed a pair of “Give It Back” rebates that would return $4.5 billion of the $8 billion of tax overcollections to New Jersey families immediately.

In total, our proposals would return $1,500 back to most New Jersey families.

Today, I’m proposing that we move forward one of the “Give It Back” bills that I sponsor, the “Gas Price and Inflation Tax Credit Act.”

My bill would return $1.5 billion to New Jerseyans through immediate $500 rebates to families.

There’s absolutely no reason anyone in this chamber should oppose this proposal.

All of us, Republican and Democrat, represent families that are suffering.

All of us know, in our hearts, how much this money will help parents to feed children who are struggling with food insecurity.

All of us know that we can afford to “Give It Back,” so please join me in supporting this important.

Mr. President, pursuant to Rule 12:6 of the Rules of the Senate, I move that Senate Bill 2290 be relieved from the Senate Transportation Committee. I am the prime sponsor of the bill, and the required notifications were filed with the Secretary on May 19, 2022.

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