Thursday, June 23, 2022

An Unreal World Prompts Horrifying Results!

In the aftermath of the tragic suicide of social media influencer Nicole Waidhofer, a
Facebook friend writes as follows:

Hear me out... there's been so much attention on suicide and sports but has anyone realized yet another, "so called influencer" has died of suicide? By the way what the hell makes someone an influencer? I have my own mind I don't need to be influenced.
Do we realize that our youth (and some adults) are basing their popularity and value on LIKES and bullshit COMMENTS of people they don't even know most of the time. They expose themselves to strangers and acquaintances that should have no significance on their life yet they live and wait every moment for likes and comments like it's their job. Better yet, now they hide comments and likes if they don't get enough for fear of seeming less important or even they may even delete them. They make themselves public and allow complete strangers into their lives so they have more followers -- ones that they don't know, btw.
While we blame sports pressures for an uptick in suicide- I think there's many more issues. Fortunately, boys are less affected or concerned with social media (they actually appear smarter lol), sadly it's the ruination for girls. Between using it as a tool to create jealously, to prove they "seem" happy and popular, or to making themselves seem sexy and attractive- it"s all a fraud. I have boys in my house 24/7 ... I listen...
I hear how they view posts and comments. They laugh, they ridicule and they judge based on what they see which might not be how it really is or how the girls really should want to be viewed in the end.
So while I rant - and I don't just rant on here I do it to my teams also - trust me... maybe we should look a little deeper when it comes to what's causing suicide. Maybe we should promote REAL confidence and security for all we come in contact with especially our own precious kids- rather then accepting that "this is what they do now".
My fear is that these kids look back on this whole social media BS and say what was I doing.... or they grow old with no realization of who they really are and what's truly important, or they sadly lose their way like another influencer just did.
Ok, I'm done... far from a prude but we all know I don't go along with all that's seemingly popular!!!

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