Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Biden In The Tank: Hits Low Level In Poll!

Joe Biden has once again hit his all-time low point in a well-respected, reliable national poll. Rasmussen Reports' daily presidential tracking poll for today shows that 39% of likely U.S. voters approve of Biden’s job performance while 59% disapprove. That's basically a 60/40 split against Biden.

But it get's worse, much worse, when you examine the intensity scale because the latest figures include 18% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and a whopping 48% who strongly disapprove. So now almost half of all likely voters not only disapprove of Biden, they strongly disapprove of him. That simply means that these people are very likely to vote and very unlikely to change their minds. Bottom line: all this gives Biden a presidential approval Index rating of -30. Translation: he's in the tank!

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