Thursday, June 16, 2022

Can Embattled Mayor Overcome Internal Critics?

Speculation is swirling today around the status of Cherry Hill Mayor Susan Shin Angulo. This in the wake of her outburst at last month's Township Council meeting when she lashed out at a citizen who spoke during the public comment session of the meeting. The woman  was given five minutes to express her concerns to the Council and the mayor cut her off after about 15 seconds, accusing her of misstatements and "disrespect". She talked over the resident shouting "Excuse me, I am speaking! I am speaking!" Words were exchanged back and forth and suffice it to say it was not a pleasant sight.

That evening, not a single member of Township Council defended the mayor. That, in itself, was telling. But since then the situation seems to have worsened. Yes, we were told that the mayor personally apologized to the resident in question and thank goodness for that. But if Mayor Angulo, as the chief executive of the Township, has issued a formal public apology for her outburst, we're certainly not aware of it. 

In the midst of all that, expectation was high that the mayor would have something to say at Wednesday night's Township Council meeting. Indeed, it would have been a perfect opportunity for her to explain her actions and perhaps express regret or remorse.

But, for whatever reason, the mayor was not present at the meeting. 

During the open council caucus preceding the meeting, nearly all of the elected council members joined in publicly criticizing the mayor. Councilperson Jennifer Apell spoke extensively, saying that Mayor Angulo's behavior was not acceptable and she would not accept such behavior from her own children. Then Councilperson Carole Roskoph, said that teachers have to leave what is going on in their lives behind when entering the classroom, and that is what a mayor has to do -- she needs to make a clear separation. Nothing can be personal. Then Councilperson Sangeeta Doshi likened the mayor's outburst to growing uncivil behavior on a national level and said she thought we were better than that. Then Councilperson William Carter joined in the criticism and Council President David Fleisher said that he agreed with his colleagues. Mind you, these comments came from members of the mayor's own political party as all of the members of Township Council and the mayor are Democrats. 

Consider as well that each Councilperson spoke of a different reason why the mayor's behavior warranted such criticism, and they did not hold back. Was this an expression of "no confidence" in the mayor or some sort of censure? Though there was no formal action taken each council member speaking last night had time to thoughtfully and seriously consider the mayor's behavior. Their comments seemed reasoned, sincere and heartfelt, leading one to wonder if Mayor Angulo survive this. These are not pleasant matters to have to consider and we wish no ill toward anyone. But, if only for practical political reasons, such questions must be raised.

Recall that only a couple of years ago a Cherry Hill councilperson abruptly resigned after she made ill-advised remarks at a council meeting. And in Camden, just last year, the mayor unexpectedly stepped down amidst speculation that the powerful Democrat organization was unhappy with his performance and wanted him out. In both instances, these duly elected public officials were gone and quickly replaced. The deeds were carried out swiftly and with surgical precision.

Stay tuned, Cherry Hill. This real life soap opera that may be approaching a stunning climax.

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