Monday, June 13, 2022

OMG! Teen Mayham In NJ's 'Great Family Resort'?

Residents Report Return of ‘Bad Behavior’ on OC Boardwalk

Cape May County Herald
With the nice weather for the holiday weekend, posts by concerned residents kicked off an avalanche of reactions and dismay among Ocean City homeowners and others, claiming the seaside resort’s boardwalk in “America’s Greatest Family Resort” drew crowds of teens exhibiting what writers termed mob-like rowdyism and overall “bad behavior.”  One post from a Bay Avenue resident asked, “Is the teenage mob now a new regular phenomenon in Ocean City?”...Several referred to recent changes in state law to reform the juvenile justice system that “have tied (Ocean) City Council’s hands.”   Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law the new rules Jan. 20, 2020, through what he termed “landmark legislation,” to “ensure a more humane, just, and equitable criminal justice system” for juveniles, which, in New Jersey, are those individuals under the age of 18 at the time of an offense. 

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