Friday, June 24, 2022

Pallotta: Even Ginsburg Saw The Folly Of Roe

Republican Congressional Candidate Frank Pallotta (N.J. – 05) issued the following statement on today's Supreme Court ruling in the case Dobbs v. Jackson:

“Voters want politicians who will be straight with them and take clear positions. I will never judge someone’s decision or situation. 

I believe in the sanctity of human life. I also believe in medical science.

Advances in modern medical science expanded fetal viability even as politicians like Josh Gottheimer ignored science and pushed for laws that went in the opposite direction and essentially legalized manslaughter. 

Roe v. Wade was founded on language that was nowhere in the Constitution, and it featured the usurpation of the elected legislatures' role in determining public policy by the unelected judiciary. We now have the opportunity for real bipartisan reform on the laws that regulate abortion. An opportunity to follow medical science in drafting those reforms. 

Instead of following medical science, Congressman Gottheimer and his allies have pursued a wholly ideological agenda of more and more extreme abortion laws - including partial-birth abortion and abortion for any reason up until the moment of birth.

The Court is right to assert that ‘the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.’ Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed that Roe v. Wade was bad jurisprudence: as a circuit court judge, Ginsburg wrote that:

‘Roe ventured too far in the change it ordered’ – that it would have been ‘more acceptable’ to leave the broader decision up to the states. 

Today, the Supreme Court did just that.”


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