Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Let's Talk About The Weather, OK?

We hate talking about the weather. We really do. Still . . . 

For the record: The three hottest days in Philly history (measured by temperature) were 1918 (106), 1966 (104) and 1936 (104). These are not heat indexes. These are actual temperatures, Fahrenheit. I distinctly remember 1966. It was so hot that some streets in the city buckled under the heat. Of the top six hottest days, none occurred in the last ten years. So much for global warming and/or climate change. Stop whining, everybody!

And one more thing: We LIVED through the summer of '66 and quite a few other summers long since past that were scorchers with continuing heat waves. Philly's always been obsessed with the weather and much of this seems to be fueled by the local media. But never in our lifetime have we witnessed the media being so invested in "extreme" weather stories, much of it seemingly concocted.

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