Tuesday, July 5, 2022

This Guy Is An Utter Failure And A JERK!

Jerk is really a kind word for Philly "Mayor" Jim Kenney.

He looks like an angry bird. He's a dreary guy, terminally cheerless and misanthropic. He was never "elected" in the true democratic sense. Rather, he was selected by political bosses and union thugs (his godfathers) and then, the lemming-like voters of Philadelphia merely affirmed the selection because, after 70 years of entrenched one-party rule, that's all they know. Philly's not a democracy -- not even close. And its government (such as it is) remains corrupt, incestuous and destructive. 

Kenney was never equipped to be mayor. He had no executive acumen, no vision, no insight, no people skills whatsoever and no real sense of the city itself. "Nuttin, hon" -- as they say in Philly. "Nuttin!" 

Imagine a man this arrogant with nothing to be arrogant about. If that isn't the mark of a two bit, street corner punk, we don't know what is. And yet the city's elite (or what's left of it) including business, civic and community leaders simply stepped aside and allowed this man (and his promoters and cronies) to take over the town. And now everything has gone to hell and Kenney has the gall to play the victim!

Well, we never supported him. We told you nearly seven years ago that Lynne Abraham was the person for the job. And time has proved us right -- again.

But you're stuck with Jim Kenney, Philly -- or so hit seems, anyway. And the town is on the skids. Swallow hard!

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