Monday, August 22, 2022

A TEACHERS Association Abandons Parents, Kids

Here is my response to this ad in the form or an e-mail that I sent to the NJEA's Director of Communication, Steven Baker:

Mr. Baker:
I write as a public relations professional, a former NJEA member and a former inner-city elementary school teacher. 
I've seen the new NJEA "We don't agree on everything in New Jersey" ad and all I can do is scratch my head and wonder how much lower the NJEA can stoop.
This is one of the most condescending, contemptuous and divisive campaigns I've ever seen. To think that a teachers' organization would tell parents who are concerned about their children's education that they "should take that somewhere else" just defies all human sensibility. The parents are the taxpayers; they pay the bills; the schools belong to them.
Your ad also proclaims "that's not who we are."  Yes, I would like to believe this defamatory ad is not who you are, Mr. Baker. But sadly, it appears the NJEA has become so misguided, so baldly political, so dogmatic and so adrift from the everyday concerns of actual parents and taxpayers that this really is who you are. What a shame!
Daniel A. Cirucci

Note: If you wish to write to Steven Baker about this ad, his e-mail address is 

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