Wednesday, August 24, 2022

POLITICS: How The Media Ignore The Facts!

In a new NBC News poll, when asked if the Inflation Reduction Act would positively impact their lives, 71 percent said NO -- that it would either have no impact or would negatively impact them. When asked if the country is on the right track just 21 percent said yes while 74 percent said NO. That "wrong track" number has been over 70 percent for the longest time ever recorded.

Meanwhile, the media would have you believe that, heading into the November elections, Democrats are surging. What a joke!

The latest generic congressional poll shows Republicans with a five point lead -- AND, remember this: In 2010, President Obama, polling higher at the time than Biden is today, lost 63 seats when congressional ballot polling showed a 2-point edge for the GOP in the summer of that year.

Don't be fooled!

But don't take anything for granted. Work like hell between now and November and don't forget to vote!

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