Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Reflecting On The FBI's Raid On Mar-a-Lago

From our friend, commentator and keen observer, Christine Flowers:

I’ve had some time to think about yesterday’s events. As someone who voted for Donald Trump twice, much to the dismay and disgust of some friends (who no longer are, since I’ve been consigned to heretic purgatory,) I am fully cognizant of his personal flaws. I won’t vote for him again, if he runs, unless the alternative is a Democrat not named Kirsten Sinema.

But I’m troubled at the full on G Men Hollywood style invasion of a former president’s residence. To those who say a federal judge signed the warrant, I’d counter that federal judges do lots of things we can disagree with. Ask a pro abortion activist if she agrees with a federal judge named Sam Alito. Point being, federal judges are human.

The timing of this raid is questionable. Less than 3 months before mid terms which could shift the balance of power. The basis is as yet unknown, although many on the left and some in the center think the January 6 proceedings provide ample evidence of criminal activity. I don’t.

There are too many holes in the testimony so far, including that of Cassidy Hutchinson, Star Witness.

Even if I did believe that there was evidence of wrongdoing, the nexus with Trump is attenuated. And while Democrats and Never Trumpers will mentally fill in the missing links, fair minded people (and I don’t mean Trump/MAGA cultists) will cling to the presumption of innocence.

So I’m not saying there’s no there, there. Unlike gleeful Biden acolytes and others who wave around word treason like Sally Rand waved her fans, however, I am not cheering on the DOJ.

I am open to the possibility that evidence will prove our former and possibly future president guilty of…something. But I have lost all trust in Joe Biden, his supporters, his administration and his apologists. This country is playing favorites. And that’s dangerous, as dangerous as any allegations from January 6 witnesses.

I was in federal court today. I lost a battle (but not the war, we’ll appeal.) But I respect the law and the independent judges who administer it. That’s why I’m troubled by what happened in Florida. The law seems less important to certain Americans than partisan advantage. And both sides are guilty.

But I don’t see anyone raiding Hunter’s home. Just an observation

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