Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Bizarre Journey Of Wacky Phil Murphy . . .

From our friends at Save Jersey, 

by Matt Rooney (reposted with permission):

New Jersey’s insane sex ed curriculum is coming to elementary schools across the state this September, Save Jerseyans, and schools who opt out will be punished by the Murphy Administration.

NBC 4 asked Murphy about the state-imposed curriculum standards (which include mandatory transgenderism lessons for 1st graders and anatomically-explicit lessons for 2nd graders) during an unrelated Wednesday appearance.

“Very importantly, age appropriate,” the Governor explained, outling his position. “Making sure people feel as comfortable in their own skin as possible. That girls don’t always have to wear pink dresses, and boys are the only ones who can take science courses.”

Age appropriate to him is… 7?

By the way: I’m not wearing a dress, but I am wearing a pink tie as I type this!

I have no earthly idea who is allegedly telling girls they can’t take science courses.

The answer, of course, is that Murphy is making it up (like most of the “science” he shoved down our throats during the pandemic). He’s running for president. Don’t believe me? Look at his increasingly bizarre hair. This crazy and reckless crap – unpopular with the American Middle – is nevertheless very much in vogue with the Democrat Party primary voters who will decide who wins the 2024 Democrat nomination. We’re all prisoners to his ambition, most of all our kids who suffered dearly during his 2020-2021 lockdowns.

Listen below:

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