Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Democrat Attack Machine Has Turned VICIOUS!

 And now, this from a facebook friend:

It’s late August and the election is about 2.5 months away . If you were paying attention this week, you got a good idea what the Democrats are planning for this election. They are attacking YOU! Republican and conservative voters. You and your family are the enemy. First , Charlie Crist in Fla (running for Gov against Gov DeSantis) said “he doesn’t want" any DeSantis voters supporting him . “They are basically bad people." Next, NY Governor Hochul said to all 5.4 million NY Republicans, “move to Fla, you are not real NYers.” How about the NJ NJEA commercials running all over TV? They are calling anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda for young kids "extremists". They call you an “ extremist". Finally, Joe Biden attacked MAGA supporters at his lame rally in Maryland as “semi-fascists". That’s right, you are a fascist if you disagree with Joe Biden. This is how you can expect this election cycle to continue . Radical Democrats have power and they know they are going to lose it because you and your family had enough of their failed policies . But they are not going to stop and they are using nasty rhetoric to try and intimidate any American who doesn’t support them . The question is, what are you going to do to help win this election and get America back on track? Are you going to be a punching bag for loud mouth politicians? Are you going to fight back and work to elect the Republican team? The power of change is in your hands!

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