Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The REAL Reason Liz Cheney Got The Boot

Liz Cheney lost her congressional seat.

She not only lost -- she lost Big Time. She couldn't even garner 30 percent of the vote in her home state. She lost her seat by 37 percentage points!

Why did this happen? 

Cheney would have you believe that it happened solely because of her opposition to Donald Trump and her vote to impeach him. Nonsense! This happened because Liz Cheney was a Republican congressional leader who was disloyal to the Republican Party! Do you understand this? Do you?

In politics, loyalty is the coin of the realm. In this world, your word and fidelity to the cause define you.  That's all that matters. Cheney was chair of the House Republican Conference. In that capacity, she had a responsible to defend the party when it came under attack. Instead, she did exactly the opposite. She turned on the party and ran into the arms of the Democrats and their stacked, unrepresentative January 6th investigation committee. She became a tool for the Democrats, a showpiece, a vehicle by which a baldly partisan, bogus investigation panel could pretend to be fair and balanced. Yes, she willingly not only played into the hands of the opposition party but she joined them in bashing the party in which she held a leadership position. She was openly, publicly, brazenly and loudly disloyal. 

Liz Cheney betrayed the Republican Party and her colleagues in the party. She took up the cudgels of the Democrats and acted in harmony with them.

That's why she was turned out by Republican voters. That's why she lost her congressional seat.

This was no profile in courage. This was perfidy, pure and simple. And it's despicable.

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