Monday, August 22, 2022

Three New Polls: Bad News For Biden, Dems . . .

There are some new polls out today with some very revealing and intriguing information.

From a new NBC News poll: 

  • Nearly three-quarters of voters (74%) now feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. Barely one in five voters (21%) now think we're going in the right direction.
  • More than half the respondents (58%) now say they feel “more worried that America’s best years may already be behind us."
  • Barely a third (36%) said they think things will get better in America over the next five years.
  • Biden's approval rating remains at a low 42%. He's been stuck in the low 40s or high 30s for a long time. Nearly half of all voters (48%) have a negative view of Biden.
The bottom line of this poll: People are not happy with the present state of the country or its leadership; they think we are headed in the wrong direction; they don't have a lot of confidence in Biden and they don't see things improving, even over the long term. They're very pessimistic.

Then there's this new NPR/Ipsos poll that shows us people are increasingly concerned about the growing border crisis under Biden. here are some highlights:

  • More than half (53%) of poll respondents would characterize what is occurring on America's southern border as an "invasion".
  • Support for a wall or fence along the southern border is also growing, with 46 percent in the latest poll in favor of such barriers, up slightly from 45 percent in May 2021, but a big jump from the 38 percent who agreed in February 2018.
  • The poll also shows that support for the so-called "Dreamers" (children of illegal immigrants born here) has also dropped from 61% in 2018 to barely half now (51%).
  • Finally, more and more Americans polled (39%) are linking illegal immigrant with the nation's increasing crime problem and the amount of fentanyl and other drugs entering the country and this includes 38% or independents and 60% of Republicans.
On top of all this, there's the latest Rasmussen Poll which has more bad news for Biden and the Democrats:

  • Rasmussen finds that the issues most important to American voters haven’t changed all year, as inflation and violent crime remain atop the list. 
  • The survey shows that 85% of likely U.S. voters are at least somewhat concerned about inflation, including 57% who are very concerned. That’s almost unchanged since May. And crime is also high in their concerns.

  • Also, if the elections for Congress were held today, 46% of likely U.S. voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while only 41% would vote for the Democrat. Republicans have held this lead in the Rasmussen survey all year.

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