Monday, September 26, 2022

Decoding Liberal Buzz Words . . .

Just so you can keep up with all this liberal obfuscation, we offer you a partial translation guide to invented liberal terms, words and phrases and what they really mean:

reproductive rights - abortion

investing in our future - raising taxes

community - liberal allies

food insecurity - hungry

income inequality - some people make more money than others

disparity - any difference that liberals find unacceptable

gun reform - gun control

at risk - any person or group ripe for liberal exploitation, potential "victims"

community organizer - disrupter, troublemaker

inclusive, inclusiveness - excluding whites; particularly white heterosexual males, Christians

empowering people - making them dependent on government and/or liberal programs

troubled youth - likely gang members, juvenile delinquents

undocumented - illegal

underserved communities - candidates for liberal handouts

dialogue - liberals talk, you listen

common effort - makers pay more taxes so takers can take more

privilege - economic success

dark money - contributions to conservative causes

gender reassignment - sex change

affirmative action - preferential treatment

teachable moment - exoneration for liberals who get caught

fetus - yet-to-be-born baby, real human being in mother's womb

xenophobe - Americans who believe we should put our country's interest first

progressive - bigger government, less personal freedom, higher taxes, more regulation

LGBTQ - non-heterosexual, anything other than straight

binary - male or female, yes or no, Democrat or Republican, straight or gay, black or white

non-binary - something else 

equity - majority cedes rights to designated minorities

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