Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Five Everyday Life Lessons Of Queen Elizabeth

Her incredible reign stretched over eight decades, 15 prime ministers, 14 US presidents and six popes. Across all that time and amidst everything that happened along the way, there are five important lessons from Queen Elizabeth's life that resonate. Here they are:

Age doesn't matter.
She became Queen and Head of State at the young age of 25. She's since admitted that she was "green" and in her "salad days" but she brought with her a determination to give her all, to do the job. She rose to the occasion. Just as she showed us that youth need not disqualify you, she later showed us that age need not hold you back and into her 70s, 80s and 90s she continued to do her duty. In the process, she demonstrated that the best age is the age you are.

Make the most of it.
She assumed the monarchy just after World War II which left Britain ravaged and war weary. It would have been easy to be complacent and merely to be thankful to have survived. But, as far as she was concerned, that simply would not do. So, she presided not only over the rebuilding of the nation but the growth of the collection of British Commonwealth countries from seven to 56, creating a worldwide alliance and economic powerhouse. That alone stands as a sterling achievement of her reign.

She faced many setbacks during her reign: the deaths of the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, Prince Phillip and, most notably, the tragic and untimely passing of Princess Diana. She also endured family strife as well as serious crises of confidence in the monarchy. Through it all, she remembered her vow to steadfast duty and persevered. Resignation was unacceptable. Fortitude became her mantra.

Learn, grow, adapt.
Go back and look at her annual Christmas messages. The Queen adapted to the times. She became more technologically adept; she used TV and the internet to reach her subjects and remain relevant; she opened the door to the human side of the monarchy and even had a bit of fun with it all such as her Jubilee appearance with Paddington Bear. She learned to lift the veil while maintaining a sense of majesty and mystery. Above all, she did it all with graciousness and dignity. 

Life goes on.
As a child and adolescent, she experienced the Great Depression and World War II, serving her nation throughout those tumultuous times. She witnessed the full sweep of overwhelming and often devastating events and the attendant loss of so many lives. But, looking forward, she was always there to remind her subjects that, through it all, life goes on and tomorrow brings renewed hope. And so it is now, as we say: "The Queen is dead. Long live The King!"

Everyone has a role to play. Duty counts. Hope endures. Perseverance strengthens. Tomorrow brings a new opportunity. These are the priceless gifts of Elizabeth II!
And you don't have to be of royal lineage  or be a monarchist to understand these lessons or to learn from the life of the Queen. That's the beauty of it. 

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