Friday, September 16, 2022

The Real Reason Why They HATE Trump

The elites, the DC establishment, the liberal intelligentsia who control the deep state, academia and the media all say they want transparency. And they likewise proclaim their longing for authenticity. In fact, along  with the revered "diversity," these two smugly comprise the Holy Trinity of modern liberalism.
But it's all a sham.
Because Donald Trump is the most authentic and transparent leader in recent memory.
Trump may be rude; he may be crude; he may be downright nasty at times. But no public official in recent memory has been more real and more obvious. With Trump, everything is in full view, sometimes to the point of disquieting excess. What he's thinking; what he's feeling; what he's saying -- it's all on ample display. You may not like it, but it's genuine; it's spontaneous and it's unfettered.
This is a man who's gonna call you out if you diss him, who's gonna expose you if you lie to him and who's gonna come after you  if you try to hurt him or a member of his family. He shows real anger, he got real feelings. And the contrast with the hopelessly feigned worlds of DC, NYC and the Left Coast is truly propulsive.
Just by being himself, Trump really lifts the veil off the elites and shows them for who they truly are.
And their reaction -- their utter disdain, indeed, their hatred of Trump and his followers -- proves that they simply can't stomach authenticity. They can't abide it.
No, what they really want is someone who pretends to be frank; who pretends to be candid and up-front; who pretends to have feelings; who pretends to care;  who pretends to be accessible; who pretends to be who he is while not being that way at all.
In or out of office, President Trump is a loud, elbows-up, unpredictable Disrupter-in-Chief.
He came to shake the ground under these sycophants; these poseurs; these prevaricators and show you what they're really all about.
Donald Trump has been around too long, has seen too much, has learned too much and has gained too much to be fooled by these people, to be threatened by these people or to fear them in the least.
And isn't it about time someone assumed this role?
Isn't it?

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