Friday, September 2, 2022

The Scarlet Tirade: What It's REALLY All About

So, what was the tirade in front of Independence Hall last night really all about? Why all the build up and carrying on and drama and gesticulation, huh? What did it really all amount to?

Haven't you figured this out yet? It wasn't about saving the soul of our nation. Nah! It had nuttin' to do with that. Nuttin! And it wasn't about democracy, either. Nor was it about free and fair elections or healing or restoring any sense of unity to our country. None of that!

This was once again simply all about a vindictive old man, his monstrous ego and his need to energize his base. 

Don't you understand? It's all political and the first rule in politics, as you're going into a campaign is solidify and energize your base. So Biden, who is in his dotage and engenders paltry enthusiasm, had to do something -- anything! -- to arouse his base, such as it is. He's had to get his people worked up -- get them angry; pit them against a concocted enemy; push all their buttons; fuel them for battle. Last night was a grandiose attempt at epic saber rattling. And sadly (but unsurprisingly) the media was complicit in this.

At this point, this is all Joe Biden has. It's the only card he can play. It's not like his presidency can point to any significant positives or any credible list of accomplishes. To the contrary, the current state of affairs is abysmal and leaves him with absolutely no bragging rights whatsoever. He's a desperate old man.

And, it gets worse. He's a desperate old man with nowhere else to go. Politics has been his whole life. It's all he's ever known. There's really no other dimension to him. He's a lifelong windbag with little left but a sputter and not much to show for it. Think about it. It's not like he's ever built a business or hired employees or established a successful brand or written a best selling book or launched a successful media enterprise or become widely known and admired for sensational accomplishments. No way! He's never done any of those things (all of which, by the way, are in the domain of his immediate predecessor). And think about this, too: when he finally did land in the Top Spot, Biden got there by hiding out under the most extraordinary circumstances -- kinda like a self-proclaimed hero who emerged amidst an omnipresent fog of war. "TahDah! I am your new leader!"

How sad. How outrageous! And last night, against a hellish red backdrop that dishonored a treasured national shrine, our beloved country witnessed a pitiful performance that, invoking the soul of the nation, denigrated its sensibility, its decency and its generous heart. Indeed, today Mephisto himself must be embarrassed. 

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