Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Cherry Hill: Questions From A Worried Taxpayer!

To The Taxpayers of Cherry Hill regarding Thursday's School Bond Vote:
Dear fellow taxpayers, Like you, I have spoken with my neighbors and fellow tax paying citizens of Cherry Hill who have questions and concerns related to the upcoming special election for the School Bond. I ask that you please consider the following:
  • Why did our representatives and interested parties decide to have a special election at a greater cost to the Taxpayers, and not bundle this into the upcoming November Elections? My concern here is that, in targeting only “interested voters” and not the general voting population, the results of the vote, either For or Against will not accurately reflect the will of the entire community. I feel that this is not in keeping with the spirit of equity that our community holds dear. This vote impacts every taxpayer in Cherry Hill, not just those with children. We all have skin in the game.
  • Why does it seem that Cherry Hill subcommittee members have access to information, processes and protocols regarding the Bond that the average Cherry Hill taxpayer does not? It seems to many of us that the dissemination of pertinent information regarding the Bond has not been adequately provided to every voter in Cherry Hill. This too, is not equitable.
  • Why does Cherry Hill Tomorrow and its establishment- supporters claim they presented Cherry Hill Taxpayers with an unbiased perspective, when their handouts show clear bias in favor of voting Yes to the bond? Please read it for yourself.
  • Why does the ballot show color and font that matches the same color and font used on Cherry Hill Tomorrow’s promotional handouts? I believe this is no accident, but instead intended to manipulate the voter into voting Yes to the bond. Please read it for yourself.
  • Why does all local media in our town promote voting Yes to the Bond? Why are we not presented with a balanced “pros and cons” approach to this Bond Vote?
  • Why have our schools been allowed to fall into their current state of disrepair? Were they neglected intentionally? Is this situation the result of incompetence? What happened to all the money we gave them over the years and decades? Is this a manufactured crisis?
  • Why does the Bond Ballot read like a Homeowners Insurance policy? Ask yourself if you honestly understand it. If you don’t, ask yourself if that's an accident. Please read it for yourself.
  • Why does the ballot begin by stating “The Board of Education in the township of Cherry Hill, in the county of Camden, NJ IS AUTHORIZED TO UNDERTAKE various improvements, alterations, renovations, repairs…etc”? I believe this language is intentionally deceptive and assumptive, and that it misleads the voter into believing that the Bond is already a decided issue. Please read it for yourself. I believe the Cherry Hill BOE and the Cherry Hill Tomorrow group have framed the Ballot Question to seem like it’s simply a questionnaire that we are answering. Do not be fooled! The BOE is not authorized to do anything until WE, the TAXPAYERS, vote to give them permission. WE are the one with the power to authorize. That’s why the Bond requires our vote in the first place. Please don’t forget that.
I believe the Cherry Hill BOE and the Cherry Hill Tomorrow group have framed the Ballot Question to seem like it’s simply a questionnaire that we are answering. Do not be fooled! The BOE is not authorized to do anything until WE, the TAXPAYERS, vote to give them permission. WE are the one with the power to authorize. That’s why the Bond requires our vote in the first place. Please don’t forget that.
  • Why does the Ballot close by asking “Do you approve the bond proposal question”? There are approximately 370 words on the ballot, but nowhere is a question actually asked prior to asking for your approval. Please read it for yourself.
  • Why have multiple OPRA requests been denied to taxpayers that would provide all of us the detailed information needed so that we may vote intelligently on a bond which is in excess of $360 Million Dollars?
  • Why does the Cherry Hill Tomorrow website show different figures for the Bond than the ballot itself shows? In closing, I wish to make it clear that many of us want our schools to be repaired and brought to an adequate state so that our children receive an excellent education in a comfortable environment that promotes scholastic excellence. However, I am worried by the decisions and actions of the current BOE and its supporters, precisely because they have failed to provide Cherry Hill Taxpayers with an adequate, unbiased and comprehensive presentation of facts, both pro and con. I am suspicious of their decision to hold a special election which typically results in lower voter turnout. I am critical of the lack of continuity in their messaging, in the inconsistency of their presented figures, in their decision to deny requests by fellow taxpayers for greater detailed information so that we may responsibly vote with sufficient knowledge and awareness, and according to our own individual conscience. I resent the effort to manipulate Cherry Hill Taxpayers into feeling guilty and shaming us to vote the way we’re being told to vote. In the present economy, one which sees inflation rising at a level not seen in 30 years, where the cost of living climbs higher and higher while our incomes do not, where the stock market continues to perform poorly, where the hardships of war threaten our financial security, where the realities of the COVID pandemic recently kept our children home for almost 2 years, and a town where every property owner and renter is already taxed far above the national average, I do not think that it is shameful to ask that all Cherry Hill taxpayers and registered voters reject the current bond request and vote NO on Thursday, October 6th.
In closing, I wish to make it clear that many of us want our schools to be repaired and brought to an adequate state so that our children receive an excellent education in a comfortable environment that promotes scholastic excellence. However, I am worried by the decisions and actions of the current BOE and its supporters, precisely because they have failed to provide Cherry Hill Taxpayers with an adequate, unbiased and comprehensive presentation of facts, both pro and con. I am suspicious of their decision to hold a special election which typically results in lower voter turnout. I am critical of the lack of continuity in their messaging, in the inconsistency of their presented figures, in their decision to deny requests by fellow taxpayers for greater detailed information so that we may responsibly vote with sufficient knowledge and awareness, and according to our own individual conscience. I resent the effort to manipulate Cherry Hill Taxpayers into feeling guilty and shaming us to vote the way we’re being told to vote. In the present economy, one which sees inflation rising at a level not seen in 30 years, where the cost of living climbs higher and higher while our incomes do not, where the stock market continues to perform poorly, where the hardships of war threaten our financial security, where the realities of the COVID pandemic recently kept our children home for almost 2 years, and a town where every property owner and renter is already taxed far above the national average, I do not think that it is shameful to ask that all Cherry Hill taxpayers and registered voters reject the current bond request and vote NO on Thursday, October 6th. This will send a message, loudly and clearly, that this BOE failed their obligation to our community, and that they go back and re-do this work assignment correctly. They will have the opportunity in the future to present a better bond, in full transparency to ALL of the citizens of Cherry Hill, and to do so in a conscientious manner that is respectful and equitable to us all.

Patrick Mattucci 
Cherry Hill resident and taxpayer since 2001

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