Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Italian American Heritage Month: Jack Ciattarelli

Is there a Jersey guy who's prouder of his Italian American heritage than Jack Ciattarelli? We doubt it.

As long as we've known Jack he's been personable, forthright and unabashedly Italian American. 

What does that mean? It means he's passionate about his beliefs; he's an engaging people-person; he knows how to live in (and savor!) the moment and he's a devoted family man. In short, Jack is one of the most appealing public servants the Garden State has ever known. And one other thing: he's damned determined. Just last year Jack gave zillionaire windbag Phil Murphy the scare of his life when he came thisclose to besting Murphy is a super tight governor's race -- a race that the polls said Murphy would easily win. And Jack, a former member of the state legislature, has already announced that he's running for governor again in 2025. 

The best way to describe this extraordinary man is to let him tell his story in him own words:

My father’s parents immigrated to this country nearly 100 years ago; and my mother was one of eight children, born and raised in Brooklyn. My parents had but one high school diploma between them, but what they lacked in formal education, they made up for in work ethic and integrity.

Who they are is who I am.

Thanks to the lessons they taught me and the example they set, I earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, passed the CPA exam, and started and owned two very successful businesses and created real jobs. All right here, in New Jersey.

My wife, Melinda, and I are married 25+ years and have four children. We love New Jersey. I am determined to ensure that our state is a place where we can retire and that my children – and yours – have the opportunity to build their own lives and, one day, raise their own families here.

I’m running for Governor with a unique resume and real world experience to fix our broken state.

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