Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Pallotta Launches 'Josh Gosh Rich' Website!

The Pallotta for Congress campaign today launched JoshGotRich.com, a facts-based website detailing how Democrat Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ05) has lined his pockets on Capitol Hill and violated federal law, as his constituents continue to struggle through a recession and economic crisis that he helped create.

“The webpage JoshGotRich.com is a collection of information that allows readers to draw their own conclusions about the Congressman’s unethical stock trading habits. However, one concrete fact remains as clear as day: While Josh has spent his time in Congress getting richer, he has repeatedly voted to raise our taxes and make us poorer,” said Pallotta’s campaign manager, Kelly Ann Hart.

JoshGotRich.com documents that since being elected to Congress in 2016, Josh Gottheimer has traded over $100 million in stocks, violated the STOCK Act as recently as August of this year, and is currently involved in at least 43 potential conflicts of interest. For example, Josh Gottheimer actively traded in companies – like NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) and other chip makers while being involved in legislation that would directly benefit NVIDIA.

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