Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Kenney, City Lend Support To Anti-Semitism!

It is an outrage that the city of Philadelphia is hosting an event that essentially denigrates the re-establish of the nation of Israel and attacks the Jewish People’s rights and heritage. That is the implicit purpose of the so-called “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” event that the city has scheduled at its Municipal Services Building on November 29. 

The poster promoting the event – with its violent imagery – makes the anti-Jewish intent of the event crystal clear in this period of unprecedented attacks against Jewish people and institutions, along with the epidemic of incitement of hatred and resentment targeting Jews and all supporters of Israel.

To protest Philadelphia government’s affront to the Jewish community and endorsement of violence, this offense to supporters of America’s great ally Israel; and this perversion of history, the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Zionist Organization of America will hold a public vigil on the perimeter of the city’s Municipal Services Building at 1401 John F. Kennedy Boulevard at noon on November 29. 

We encourage people to bring their Israeli flags and American flags and assemble to make it clear that the Jewish state of Israel is here to stay; that the United Nations and its predecessor League of Nations were just in voting to re-establish the Jewish homeland in its rightful location; that there is not today and never has been a nation of “Palestine”; and that the Arabs have rejected every offer of a state – including by the United Nations in Resolution 181 in 1947. 

The poster for the city of Philadelphia event prominently features three clenched fists and three flags of the terrorist group the Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO has murdered and maimed thousands of Jewish civilians and also scores of American and European civilians in its untold number of murder/terrorist attacks dating back to 1964 -- and continuing to this day. In fact, the PLO currently offers rich financial rewards to its people who murder and otherwise attack Jews. 

The poster declares that the Philadelphia event is sponsored by the office of the City Representative and Mayor Kenney’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. Last year at a similar city event, Mayor Kenney, at least three members of Philadelphia City Council, and state lawmakers spoke. Greater Philadelphia ZOA condemned that event. We call on all elected and appointed officials – and all decent people – to shun this city of Philadelphia event. Please do not participate – particularly in light of the bombings at two bus stops in Jerusalem today by Palestinian-Arabs in which an Israeli teen was murdered, an American teen was wounded, and 19 other Israelis were wounded. 

Too many Jews have been murdered and maimed by Palestinian-Arab violence; there have already been too many lies and too much propaganda attacking Israel’s right to exist and seeking to delegitimize Jewish heritage and Jewish rights to self-determination. Endorsing more violence (as the poster does) and more lies and propaganda is beneath the obligation of officials who are supposed to represent all Philadelphians. 

Please do not further trample on the already-under-attack Jewish community. Greater Philadelphia ZOA, sponsor of the flag vigil, is the regional chapter of the Zionist Organization of America. ZOA, which traces its roots to 1897, is America’s oldest pro-Israel organization. ZOA is determined to expose and oppose every effort to attack Jewry, delegitimize the Jewish state of Israel and weaken the mutually beneficial U.S.-Israel relationship – no matter the source.
Seen by Steve Feldman at October 28, 2016 at 10:30 PM

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