Monday, November 7, 2022

If It's A Referendum On Biden? OMG! . . .

If tomorrow's election turns out to be a referendum on Joe Biden, the prospects do not look good for the Democrats. 

The Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll for today shows that 42% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. But a clear majority, fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove. And there's more bad news.The latest figures include only 25% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and nearly twice as many, 48% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a presidential approval Index rating of -23. This is one of the worst results for Biden in this poll since he took office.

On top of that, Rasmussen shows that on the generic ballot for Congress Republicans lead by five percentage points, 48% to 43%. When you consider that 6% have not yet made up their minds and that many "undecideds" are breaking for the GOP, things look quite good for the Republicans.

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