Tuesday, November 1, 2022

OUCH! WSJ Poll Is BAD News For Biden, Dems . . .

A new Wall Street Journal poll is out today and the results are VERY revealing. Here are just some of the highlights:

  • White suburban women (who the Journal’s pollsters say make up 20% of the electorate) now favor the GOP by 15 percentage points. This is a veritable earthquake as it marks an astounding 26-point swing to the GOP from August. Remember: this group has been a cornerstone of the Democrats' base.
  • A whopping 71% of voters now believe the economy is going in the wrong direction, a nine-point jump from August, while just 19% say it’s headed in the right direction. This is a key issue for the GOP -- one the party has been hitting hard throughout the campaign.
  • 71% also say the country is heading in the wrong direction – a three percentage point increase from August and an eight percentage point hike from March. 
  • Biden continues to be a serious drag on the Democrats. Consider this: along with voters’ dour economic outlook, the poll shows that a clear majority (55%) of disapprove of the job President Biden is doing and 54% believe his policies have had a negative effect on the economy. Only 27% think Biden’s policies have been positive, while only 43% approve of his job performance. 
  • And there's more bad news for the Dems. A plurality of voters now say that Republicans are better able to get inflation under control (48%), reduce crime (43%), devise an economic plan (43%), and make the country energy independent (45%).
  • 43% say the best outcome next week would be for the GOP to gain control of BOTH the Senate and the House while only 36% feel the Democrats should control both houses.

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