Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Poll: Voters Focused On Inflation, Economy

A week before Election Day, nearly half of voters say inflation and the economy are the most important issues for them in this year’s congressional midterms. 

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 26% of likely  voters say inflation is the most important issue in how they vote in this year’s congressional elections, while another 22% name the economy as the top issue. These are followed by abortion rights (19%), illegal immigration (8%), climate change (8%) and violent crime (7%). Only two percent (2%) of voters name either the war in Ukraine or LGBTQ rights as the most important issue for them in the midterm election. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Note that if you add inflation, the economy, crime and illegal immigration (all issues the GOP is intently focused on) the total is 63%. Also, "the future of democracy" or "threats to democracy" do not even register with voters. Factor all that in when thinking about what mighty happen a week from now.

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