Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Unmasking 'Independent' Voters - And Others!

It's been reported that "independent" voters broke for Democrats in the midterm elections by a rate of four percent. This despite the fact that election eve polls showed this critical group decidedly leaning Republican. At the same time these independents overwhelming rated the economy "not so good or poor" (84%) with two-thirds of them also disapproving of Biden's handling of the economy.

Remember, this happened while throughout the country Republicans garnered 5.5 million more votes that Democrats. But in key battleground states we're told that independents made the vital difference, tilting by 18 points for Dems in Pennsylvania, 28 points in Georgia and more than 30 points in Arizona. That's quite a big overnight swing!

And all this happened while the GOP seemed to have a decided advantage this year with 49% of midterm voters being Republicans while only 43% were Democrats.

This seems to defy any explanation.

Unless, of course those who identified as "independent" really aren't so independent after all.

Let's face it, many people who say they're independent do so to make themselves feel good or simply to hide out -- and sometimes it's a combination of both. Saying they're not aligned with either party makes  some of them feel superior, as if they're too smart to be sucked in by partisan claims and temptations. Also, for some, identifying as independent provides a convenient place to park when they actually may be ill-informed, misinformed, detached or casually indifferent. 

I've long suspected that many independent voters are actually wimpy old-style liberals. And some young people (18-29 year-olds voted overwhelmingly Democrat) also hang out in this group simply because they don't know how else to categorize themselves. It's just convenient -- especially for clueless slackers.

But here's another factor in the GOP's drift way below expectations: Republicans themselves! Yes, a significant number of Republicans actually voted Democrat in 2022! In fact, 11 percent or more defected in key races. And this happened while Democrat defections remained low or non existent.

Who are these Republicans? You know who they are. Mostly, they're RINOS: Republicans In Name Only. And they are the scourge of our party.  These people seem to want a perfect party in a perfect world. They're the "Why can't we all get along and be genteel and speak quietly and be nice to one another?" people. And they are so disconnected from reality and, in the end so destructive that I find them downright repugnant. 

Yes, I can understand being less than satisfied with some of the people or some of the policies of the party that you say you identify with. But to vote for people and policies that are diametrically opposed to what you say you embrace? That makes no sense at all! 

There's simply no rational, reasonable way for these people to explain voting for John Fetterman. None! And there's no way to explain falling in with Kelly or Cortez Masto or Hassan or Murray or other elected Democrats who are in bed with Pelosi and Schumer and Harris and Biden. No way!

So Republicans, going forward let's remember two things. First when we're lectured to about not winning over independents, let's ask ourselves: Who are these people? Are they really who they say they are? Do they even know who they are and what they believe? Is all the attention they're getting legit? And second, let's look within our own party at those who are undermining us and bedeviling us at every turn. And let's invite them to get on the team or get the hell out!


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