Friday, December 23, 2022

Durr Calls Murphy Gun Restrictions 'Abomination'

New Jersey State Senator Ed Durr blasted Governor Phil Murphy’s signing of unconstitutional and nonsensical restrictions (A-4769/S-3214) on the concealed carrying of firearms in New Jersey:

Senator Ed Durr speaking against the ‘unconstitutional’ new restrictions on concealed carry permit holders that Governor Murphy signed into law during a floor debate on December 19, 2022. (YouTube/NJ Senate Republicans)

“The restrictions that Democrats and Governor Murphy enacted on concealed carry in New Jersey ignore the Second Amendment, defy the United States Supreme Court, and will do nothing to stop violent crimes committed with illegal guns.

“Thankfully, this unconstitutional law is already being challenged in federal court. Given the clear language of the Bruen ruling, it’s only a matter of time before this abomination of a law gets struck down.

“I’ll continue to fight for people’s rights and against Democrats who don’t believe that law-abiding New Jerseyans should be able to protect themselves.”

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