Thursday, December 15, 2022

How The GOP Failed The Early/Mail-In Voting Test

 If you're not reading the Wall Street Journal, you're missing the best written daily publication in America -- and that includes all print and online publications of this type.

Here's an excerpt from a recent incisive, enlightening column on the Journal's op-ed page:

Herschel Walker’s Defeat and the GOP’s Lost Vote Harvest

by Kimberly Strassel

It turns out that 720 hours (the month Democrats use to mobilize early voters) is more than 72 hours (the three days Republicans use to mobilize their Election Day voters). . . .
The Georgia Senate results sum it up. This week’s runoff saw all-time midterm records in both early and absentee voting in a midterm. Some 1.9 million people cast their ballot prior to Tuesday, and Democrat Raphael Warnock won 64% of those voting absentee and 58% of those voting early. Yes, Mr. Walker had a good election day, winning 57% of votes cast Tuesday. But turnout for the day was 1.6 million, or 46% of the total vote. . . . 

In states that send out applications for mail-in voting, liberal groups wait for these taxpayer-funded mailings and pounce. They target “their” voters with texts, calls and ads, pushing them to get the applications in. They do the same in states where voters must actively request ballots. Then they do it all over again once the ballots arrive, in many states “harvesting” by going door to door to encourage their voters to fill out ballots and returning them on their behalf.

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