Saturday, December 31, 2022

Remembering A 'Good And Faithful Servant'

A very special message from Catholic Vote:

By now I suspect you have heard the news.


Our beloved Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed into eternal life at 9:34 AM this morning in Rome. 


As pope, cardinal, and theologian, Benedict XVI embodied the role of “servant of the servants of God.”


Americans had a special reason to love Benedict XVI, affectionately called “our German shepherd.” He challenged us to reflect deeply on the meaning of human freedom… and to resist the “dictatorship of relativism.” 


His words were prophetic: 


“We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one’s own ego and desires.” 

~Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Opening Homily of the 2005 Papal Conclave


Born as totalitarian regimes – including Nazism and communism – swept through Europe, he offered us a shining example of a true Christian response to tyranny and moral confusion: with faith, hope, and commitment to the dignity of the human person grounded in authentic freedom.


Pope Benedict XVI helped us to understand what it means to be American and to be Catholic.


We pray for the repose of his soul and that his witness might inspire us to be equally courageous soldiers of Jesus Christ in the service of Holy Mother Church. 


Well done, good and faithful servant.


May his soul and those of the faithful departed rest in peace.


Brian Birch, President,


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