Tuesday, January 31, 2023

And Now, Hypocritical Omar Feigns Ignorance!

 From Joshua Klein at the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)

Following Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) outrageous claim she was unaware of antisemitic tropes associating Jewish people with money, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) head Morton Klein blasted the Somalia-born Democrat, accusing her of hating America “as much as Israel,” while commending House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for vowing to remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Speaking with Breitbart News on Tuesday, Klein, who has headed the nation’s oldest pro-Israel organization for nearly two decades, accused the Minnesota “Squad” member, notorious for her antisemitic sentiments, of lying about her recent claims.

“Rep. Omar is lying when she claims she didn’t know it was antisemitic to conspicuously claim it’s Jewish money (Benjamins) that buys support for the Jewish State of Israel, or that the only explanation of people supporting Israel is that Jews magically, through their evil powers, ‘hypnotize’ people into this support,” he said.

The ZOA leader then called out Omar for her continuous hypocrisy when it comes to Israel.

“Bigot Omar openly condemns boycotting sanctions against enemies like communist dictators of Cuba and Venezuela yet demands boycotting and sanctioning our friend, the Jewish State of Israel, and shows sympathy for enemies of America and Israel, such as ISIS,” he said.

Noting that she has “never criticized the Jew-hating enemy of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, that pays Arabs lifetime pensions to murder Jews, in addition to glorifying Jew-killers,” Klein blasted Omar for having “absurdly claimed she’s not a Jew-hating Israel-basher.”

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