Tuesday, January 31, 2023

In Philly, A Big Victory For The Pro Life Movement!

 From catholicvote.org:

MARK HOUCK NOT GUILTY  In a rebuke to the Biden Justice Department’s aggressive prosecution, pro-life activist Mark Houck was found not guilty Monday on federal assault charges stemming from a shoving incident outside a Philadelphia abortion facility. Following his acquittal, Houck credited his lawyers, family, friends, and the Catholic faith with getting him through the ordeal. Houck’s case gained national attention when the Justice Department sent a team of FBI agents to arrest the Catholic husband and father of seven at his home in front of his wife and children, an event that stirred a national backlash against the Biden administration.  READ
CATHOLICVOTE RESPONDS TO HOUCK VERDICT  CatholicVote President Brian Burch celebrated Houcks’ acquittal, but also warned: “Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. The FBI and Department of Justice are continuing to persecute peaceful pro-life volunteers – while letting anti-Catholic, pro-abortion terrorists off the hook. …Today and every day, CatholicVote will continue to fight for equal protection under the law for all Catholics – as well as every pro-life activist wrongly charged by the Biden administration.”  READ  

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