Monday, February 13, 2023

Five Post-Game Tips for Philly Sports Fans

My heart goes out to Philly sports fans today. They're devoted. They spend a ton of money. They generate gazillions of dollars for the local economy AND they're the most knowledgeable sports fans in the country. They know the game, the players, the stats, the strategies, the odds and all the machinations.  For the most part, they're damned hard to fool. They really live the game. 
But over time, that takes a heavy toll on the die hard fan -- especially in Philly where the pro teams seem to have a habit of getting into the playoffs (and sometimes the Big Game) and then doing the proverbial el foldo. With all this in mind, here are my five vital tips for the downtrodden but nonetheless lovable Philly fans:

1) Don't expect too much.
If you keep your expectations low, you won't have to worry quite so much about being disappointed. This will take discipline but it may be wise to curb your enthusiasm, ya know?

2) Don't get ahead of yourself.
In a hard-luck town like Philly ,defeat seems to always be lurking just around the corner. Take it one game (or even one inning or one play) at a time. Slow down.

3) You don't have to watch the game.
I know this sounds sacrilegious, but you can turn away from the game or choose not to watch it at all. If you remember that in Philly watching a game like the one yesterday can be hazardous to your health, this tip is actually quite sensible. 

4) Beware of sports radio.
Sports radio is specifically designed to get you riled up. The sports jocks are there to arouse you as much as possible. There are plenty of other places where you can catch up on the game and find replays, stats and analysis in a less hysterical environment. So, take sports radio in limited doses. 

5) Keep repeating to yourself: It's only a game!
This is a GAME. It's not life and death and it's only worth a certain amount of emotional investment. Put it in perspective. Don't let it dominate your life. And don't feed it too much of your money. Watch your pocketbook!

Which reminds me of just one more thing: If you ever feel sorry for the team, the players or the staffs of these franchises just remember how much dough they're raking in every year, win or lose. That should rebalance your psyche real quick.

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