Thursday, February 16, 2023

Now, At A School Near You: Woke's Rampant Raid

In far-off Scotland the leader of parliament has been forced to resign after pushing a woke transgender "rights" agenda that makes it easier for trans people as young as 16 to get official recognition of their preferred identity without a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

But meanwhile, right on our doorstep here in Cherry Hill, NJ a man who nobody elected to any office is presiding over a school district that recently sent out a flyer to high school parents that, in part, refers them to possible assistance with sex reassignment (aka gender "affirmation") surgery for their children. Announcing an online forum entitled LGBTQ+ 101, How To Support Your Child, the flyer has the imprimatur of Jefferson Health and contains a reference to Jefferson's "LGBTQ+ affirming practice" which is connected to Jeff's center for Top Surgery. What is Top Surgery? Here's how Jefferson describes it: 

Top surgery is a gender affirming surgery that alters characteristics of the chest, allowing for a more masculine appearance. Through unique surgical techniques, typically all of the breast tissue will be removed from both breasts (complete mastectomy). While the procedure is different for everyone, it's also important to consider nipple resizing or repositioning. 

Remember: "gender affirming" is the way the woke movement defines switching genders so as to infer that you are not changing your gender, you are simply embracing the gender you theoretically were always supposed to have. Top surgery is basically masculinizing chest surgery. It's no minor matter. It's a radical move, no question about it.

But all of this seems to be just another day in the life of the Cherry Hill School District under Superintendent Joe Maloche who has set himself up as a sort of potentate of wokeism, with a seemingly special emphasis on gender fluidity. Maloche has even pushed a new "gender neutral" dress code that allows students to dress according to whatever gender they think you are -- or, no gender at all, for that matter. So, when you go to school, you can dress as a male, female or a combination of both, no matter your biological (or what wokes call "birth assigned") gender. That's what all this means, as far as we can understand it. You can watch the video (above) and make your own judgement.

No matter how you feel about this, you should also know that it's simply one part of what would appear to be a sweeping makeover of the Cherry Hill school district to embrace elements of critical race theory (CRT) and cancel culture as well. And it's all happening so swiftly and in such a seemingly doctrinaire fashion that it appears to carry the faint chill of intimidation as well. In fact, most recently a middle school production of Seussical (a musical sendup of the Dr. Seuss tales) was reportedly censored to eliminate the show's "monkey around" number (see below) because the monkeys could be construed as a cover for African Americans and thus, racially insensitive. 

But, wait. Seussical logged more than 200 performances on Broadway, the premier venue for musicals and then it travelled throughout the country on two successful coast-to-coast tours and it was also a success in London and South Africa and no one seemed to have a problem with the characters of the Wickersham Brothers, a gang of monkeys who mock Horton and steal the clover. But not at a middle school in Cherry Hill Oh, no! Or, as Joe Biden would say: "No joke!".

To be sure, there's absolutely nothing funny about what's happening in the Cherry Hill schools and far too many other school districts. It's all deadly serious and parents need to get wise to it without delay.

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