Thursday, March 23, 2023

Biden Approval Rating Headed To Low Point!

The Associated Press is today reporting that "approval of Joe Biden has dipped" and is now "nearing the lowest point of his presidency."

In fact, Biden's approval rating this month has now hit the 38% mark, a significant slide from the 45% he "enjoyed" not very long ago. We say "enjoyed" relatively speaking because Biden's ratings have pretty consistently remained below 50% -- a sorry record by any measure. His lowest rating so far has been 36%, barely cracking the support of one third of the voters. The last time Biden topped 50% was in August, 2021 when he was still enjoying somewhat of a honeymoon with the voters. 

Right now, his handling of the economy has an even worse rating with just 31% saying they like the job he's doing in that department. Only about a quarter of Americans say the national economy is good or that the country is headed in the right direction, the poll shows.

Let's face it, these figures are dismal. One has to wonder how Biden was elected in the first place or how he continues to hang on. He's old, seems confused and cantankerous, flees the presidency every weekend to run back to his bunker in Delaware and cannot point to any significant successes during his first term. And now he's shackled with a GOP House that he doesn't seem to be willing to work with, an ongoing economic crisis and a burgeoning family scandal. Not good. Not good at all!

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