Thursday, March 30, 2023

Senator Ed Durr Stands Up For ALL Veterans!

Legislation sponsored by New Jersey State Senator Edward Durr that allows veterans of military reserve units with at least six years of service to retain special license plates that identify their military service has been signed into law.

Sen. Edward Durr’s bill that allows veterans of military reserve units with at least six years of service to retain special license plates that identify their service has been signed into law. (NJMVC)

“I am proud to honor our veterans of the military reserves with the enactment of this law. All military service members should be honored and recognized for the sacrifices that they have made in defense of the freedoms that we enjoy today,” said Durr (R-03). “This law ends a foolish requirement that forced veterans of the military reserves to relinquish license plates that identified their service to our country. Military reserve veterans may now keep these special license plates and proudly display their service to our country.”

Previously, members of a military reserve unit could request a special license plate that identified their military service but were required to surrender their license plate once they completed their military service.

Senator Durr’s bill, S-3081/A-4298, allows veterans, with at least six years of service in the military reserves, to keep their special license plates once their military service concludes.

“Members of the military reserves represent a selfless form of service that embodies the sacrifices made by veterans to protect our nation,” Durr added. “When a member of the military reserves completes their service, they should be allowed to display their service on their license plate just like veterans who served in any other branch of the military. The signing of this law is one way that we can honor their service to our country.”

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