Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Trump Conundrum: Is THIS Biden's Plan?

As a general rule, politicians are very calculating.
They usually don't act until they have to. They weigh different scenarios. They consider all options. They don't show their cards. In fact they're often notoriously secretive, even when they're appearing to be candid. Which is to say the best of them are good performers -- good poseurs -- as well.  
In politics, you can be damned sure that just like in show business, a clever backstage manipulator is behind everything.
So this indictment of Trump is no accident. And it's a safe bet that Biden and top Democrats knew it was coming all along. The timing, the number of counts, whatever happens on Monday and Tuesday, the whole thing is  orchestrated. 
What's actually going on here?
I say Biden & Co. actually wanted this indictment. Why? To get it out there. Get it over with. For precedent. To show that a former president can be indicted. 
And, for all we know, "expert" judgement to the contrary, this may actually be the only shot they have at Trump. Yeah, it seems to be a very weak case, but what do they care? It will tie Trump and his staff and a good chunk of his fortune up for months, if not years.
And if this isn't their only or their best shot, now they can bring on the subsequent indictments because they've already proven that it can be done. So, they've gotten the shock value (if anything is shocking anymore) over with. 
Under the multi-indictment scenario, Trump gets slowly ground down to the point where all he has left is a small portion of his base. The time clock may still allow Trump to get the nomination but even Trump's full base (let alone a diminished base) wouldn't be enough for Trump to win the general election. So, Biden gets re-elected; Trump gets the book thrown at him (maybe more than once) and then, Biden, heading toward his own sunset in his second term, pardons Trump and gets to go out looking like a mensch.  
You don't think that would happen? Think again!
Because if this is the plan, Biden can't lose. If Trump gets the nomination, he can't build beyond his base. If someone else gets the nomination, they can't defeat Biden without Trump's base. And they can't get Trump's base if the base has walked away and chosen not to vote. End of story.
Oh, one more ace-in-the-hole for Biden -- a group called "no labels" is already scheming to get a third-party, "non-partisan" presidential candidate on the ballot in all 50 states. This group is basically a bunch of never Trumpers with lots of Republicans (aka RINOS) among them. They're part of the DC Establishment Party - Republicans and Democrats who simply perpetuate.  If they succeed and actually run a third candidate it provides further insurance for Biden and paves his road forward.
Politics can be truly diabolical. This year is no exception! 

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