Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Fight LA Dodgers Blatant Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Yes, I donated -- and you should, too. Read below from catholicvote.org.

I need your urgent help to expose the LA Dodgers baseball team for blatantly supporting an anti-Catholic hate group.


The group calls itself the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”


And their motto is “go forth and sin some more.”


The “sisters” are a bunch of men who dress up in sexually explicit and rainbow-colored “nun” clothing with one purpose: 


To mock Catholics. 


Then they perform stunts designed to be as shocking and offensive as possible.

  • A "condom savior mass"
  • An annual "Jesus in drag" competition
  • Pole dancing on a cross
  • And much more

They even tricked an archbishop into giving them communion, then defiled the Eucharist.


And the Dodgers are choosing to honor this hate group with their “Community Hero Award” during so-called “Pride month.”


It’s vile.


It’s disgusting.


It’s a blatant attack by a major American corporation on our Lord and our Church. 


And faithful Catholics must not tolerate this kind of hatred.


That’s why CatholicVote is raising $1 million to run ads on every Dodgers-linked radio station and TV channel to send a clear message:


Any business that promotes anti-Catholic bigotry WILL suffer the consequences.

If you’ve been reading the LOOP closely, you may have read about CatholicVote’s campaign to ask the Dodgers to remove this anti-Catholic group of fake “sisters” from their celebration.


Last week, thousands of CatholicVote supporters FLOODED Dodger stadium with phone calls. 


Within minutes, we filled up their voicemail inboxes.


The Dodgers almost immediately disinvited the “sisters.”


A HUGE thank-you to everyone who made those calls! 


I’m incredibly proud of our CV family for taking action right away.


But unfortunately, the story doesn’t end there.


As soon as the Dodgers disinvited the “sisters,” the leftwing LGBT movement went crazy.


Other gay and transgender groups began to pressure and threaten the Dodgers for daring to cross the LGBT agenda.


Just last night, the Dodgers re-invited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence back and decided to honor them with the baseball team’s “Community Hero Award.”


They also offered their “sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, members of the LGBTQ+ community and their friends and families.”


And they made the decision without consulting even a single representative of the Catholic Church.


It’s shocking, but not surprising.


This is the state of American culture today.


If anyone dares to call a “transgender” person by their biological name or pronoun, they risk being fired by woke corporations.


But those same woke businesses heap honor on bigots who insult Catholics, mock our biblical values, and desecrate the Eucharist.


As Senator Marco Rubio said last night after the news broke, “Today our great country is controlled by socio-political ruling elites who don’t just tolerate anti-Christian bigotry, they encourage & celebrate it.”


He’s spot on.


One thing is absolutely clear today:


Hate has a home at Dodger stadium.


And it’s our job as the laity to stand up for the majesty of our Lord and our Church.


Brian Birch, President, Catholic Vote



P.S. Like I mentioned earlier, we’ve set a goal to raise $1 million to run ads exposing the anti-Catholic bigotry of the LA Dodgers and the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” 


Please click here to donate anything you can spare today.


We didn’t have this in our budget, and we need to raise the money in the next few days. So no matter what you can afford to chip in – please don’t hesitate. The most important thing is time.


Thank you in advance, and please keep our work in your prayers.

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