Friday, May 19, 2023

Let's Inoculate NJ Drivers From Crazy Laws!

New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon urged lawmakers to pass the Automated Enforcement Inoculation Act to protect New Jersey drivers from predatory fines for out-of-state traffic violations.

Sen. Declan O’Scanlon urged lawmakers to pass the Automated Enforcement Inoculation Act to protect New Jersey drivers from predatory fines for out-of-state traffic violations. (

“New Jersey drivers are under siege from out-of-state politicians who want drive up costs for travelers for the purpose of making a quick buck,” said O’Scanlon (R-13). “Through bipartisan efforts we fought and defeated camera enforced violations in New Jersey because we recognized that it was nothing more than government-sanctioned-theft. While half of all states have rejected these corrupt schemes, New York has decided to implement them and is doubling down with absurd congestion price taxes. By passing this legislation, Republicans and Democrats can stand together and deter at least one of the many invasive and unjust taxes that New York State is trying to impose on New Jersey families.”

Under Senator O’Scanlon’s bill, S-460, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and other state entities would be prohibited from disclosing the personal information of New Jersey drivers to help another state impose or collect a fine for alleged violations captured by automated camera ticketing systems.

Senate Republicans criticized plans to increase prices for commuters, calling Manhattan’s congestion prices ill conceived.

“New York lawmakers claimed that congestion rates and toll increases were solutions for environmental issues, but it’s all a corrupt scam to take more money out of the pockets of hard-working men and women who travel to and from the state,” O’Scanlon added. “We need to pass this bill now to shut the door on cities and companies from applying predatory fines and unjust taxes on New Jerseyans when they are out of state.”

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