Sunday, May 7, 2023

WOW! New Poll Shows Trump Easily Besting Biden!

This has not been a good weekend for Biden.
And not for the dominant corporate liberal media, either.

In fact, A new ABC News/Washington Post poll about the 2024 presidential election must have the people at ABC and WaPo crying and, understandably, they're trying to hide key parts of the survey. But here's the gist of it: Very bad news for Biden and good news for President Trump.

Most importantly, President Trump beats Biden in a head-to-head general election matchup.  ABC: "Looking (far) ahead to November 2024, in a Biden-Trump matchup, 44% of Americans say they'd definitely or probably vote for Trump, 38% for Biden, with 12% undecided. When the undecideds are asked how they lean, it's 49-42%, Trump-Biden." These figures show a clear preference for President Trump.

The poll also shows that Joe Biden isn't even well liked among Democrats and independents who lean Democrat. Among that group of voters, 58 percent want the Democratic Party to nominate someone other than Joe Biden as president. 


Americans see Joe Biden as a failure who is incapable of performing his duties. Biden's approval rating is at 36 percent and 63 percent of voters say that Joe Biden "does not have the mental sharpness to serve effectively as president." 


Meanwhile, the poll has more good news for President Trump.  A majority of voters, 54 percent, say that President Trump "did a better job handling the economy" than Joe Biden.

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