Thursday, May 25, 2023

YOU Can Make A Difference, Fight Back Now!

And now, a very special message from our friends at

I have a serious question for you:


How important is the Dodgers mocking our Faith to you?


I ask this question because this may be on your mind – isn’t this just a blip? Won’t people forget and move on?


Is this fight really worth it?


My answer: a thousand times YES. And here’s why:


The Dodgers’ decision to honor one of the most flagrantly anti-Catholic hate groups as “Community heroes” is not a blip or just a flash in the pan. It’s a direct attack on all we hold sacred


They’ve defiled the Holy Eucharist. Mocked the Mother of God.  


Turned our Faith into a sexual fetish.


Dodgers Stadium is now the front line of the civilizational revolution underway. The endless marketing of “PRIDE” and “LOVE IS LOVE” have been exposed as gimmicky slogans for what the gay “rights” movement is really about: destroying the family, faith, and especially the Catholic Church.


Our campaign isn’t some political stunt for attention. It is a full-throated defense of the respect due Catholic nuns and respect for our most sacred beliefs. 


And here’s the thing. We know it works. 


Bud Light is still reeling from the boycott over their ridiculous campaign featuring fake woman Dylan Mulvaney. Target stores in red states have moved Pride gear off the shelves. Corporations are learning the hard way: “Go woke, go broke.”


But the Dodgers' anti-Catholic stunt is even worse.


How far will we allow corporations to push us before people finally say enough


This may sound harsh, but there’s a reason there are no “Imams of Indulgence.” Or Rabbis of Indulgence. That’s because mocking Muslims and Jewish people is beyond the pale. And because woke corporations know they can exploit our instinct to “be nice.”


And so the Dodgers have decided to go ahead and celebrate a bunch of perverse men masquerading in sexualized religious habits of Catholic nuns – honoring one of the most vile and blasphemous groups that exists. 


Because they think we won’t do anything more than issue a press release and complain.


In the last few days, I have received more emails and calls in support of this fight than I’ve seen in any other campaign in a decade. The media coverage on this is also as big as anything we have ever been involved in.  


We’re done asking nicely. 


We’re readying a massive ad blitz that is set to begin next week.


Enough is enough.


Keep your perverted sexual fetishes away from our Faith.


You in?


Brian Birch, President, Catholic Vote.


P.S. And one more thing…


This doesn’t end on June 16.  


I want the Dodgers ownership to wake up each day fretting that these pesky Catholics just won't quit. 


Here are my terms: 1) We get a complete public apology from the Dodgers, 2) the Dodgers pledge never to host or honor an anti-Catholic hate group again, 3) the people responsible for this stunt are fired, and 4) The Dodgers agree to make a gift from their foundation to a group of religious sisters that perform real charity.


If you are with me, let’s bring some heat.


Chip in here.

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