Thursday, June 29, 2023

Decoding The Oppressive Language Of Liberalism

It's been said many times: If you can control the language you can control the debate.

Liberals know this. That's why they make up new words and phrases. They literally create a new language to control how we view the world -- how we think, how we feel and which side we come down on. They're audacious about it. What's more, they vigorously enforce the new language they create. They mandate it.

If you don't believe this, take a look at the following and remember what these words and phrase really mean as we decode each one of them:

affirmative action - Preferential treatment for liberal sanctioned protected classes; reverse discrimination.

LGBTQ+ - An ever-increasing alphabet soup that now includes nearly everybody except heterosexuals.

gender affirming care - Denying your biological gender via bodily mutilation.

non documented - Illegal immigrants.

marginalized communities - Communities targeted for additional government handouts so they can achieve less and depend on the government more.

community investment - Tax hikes

revenue enhancement - Same as "community investment."

diversity, equity and inclusion - Tipping the scales in favor of those who are most inclined to support leftist causes.

reproductive rights - Abortion; the killing of babies.

systemic racism - The grafting of past grievances and injustices onto present day circumstances so as to deny America's promise and progress.

black and brown people - Everyone except white people and Asians.

underserved communities - The people who are likely getting most of your redistributed income.

nationalists - Patriotic Americans.

micro aggression - Anything you say or even think that may be construed as offensive to liberals and their ilk.

safe space - A place where those who perceive themselves as victims of thoughts you don't even know you have may be coddled and infantilized.

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