Friday, June 2, 2023

Sign The Dodger Boycott Petition NOW!


A very special message from


I just realized something significant —


The Dodgers “Pride” night will take place on June 16.


Just an ordinary June day? Nope.


It is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.


For faithful Catholics, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And June 16 is not just an ordinary feast day. It is a Solemnity. 


But to the secular world… today marks the beginning of “Pride Month.”


I fully expect the next 30 days to feature some of the most grotesque displays of homosexual perversion and transgender mutilation in American history.


The radical LGBT movement is already pushing boundaries beyond anything imaginable – even just a few months ago.


Case in point: 


The LA Dodgers are REFUSING to budge even an inch about honoring the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” the most disgusting anti-Catholic hate group I’ve ever heard of.


As I wrote yesterday, I talked this week with a top Dodgers executive about their decision to honor these cross-dressing men who mock our Lord, our Lady, and our Church.


His message: we have no plans to change course.


My message: full speed ahead with our boycott and ad campaign!


Chip in here.


The Dodgers are throwing faithful Catholics like you and me under the bus. 


Daniel, that means our boycott and $1 million ad campaign are now more important than ever.


I’m asking you to please sign our Boycott Petition today – even if you don’t watch baseball.


The Dodgers need to know they’re losing all business from tens of thousands of Americans.


We have over 30,000 petition signatures so far.


Will you help us double that number in the next 24 hours?


We only have two weeks left until the Dodgers give center stage at Dodger Stadium to the fake “sisters.” 


…on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. 


Daniel, I know you’ve already done so much to help stand up to the Dodgers and their blasphemous fake “nuns,” but I could really use your help again on this boycott effort.


Please click here to add your name to our Boycott Petition today.


Thank you in advance for signing.


And thank you for your support over the last 10 days since CatholicVote first broke this story.



Brian Birch. President, Catholic Vote

P.S. Remember: this isn’t just about the Dodgers. 


It’s about whether or not we lose our entire nation to the woke mob that celebrates sexual sin by mocking all that is holy. 


Please sign our Boycott Petition today to stand up for what we believe.


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