Friday, June 9, 2023

Are Trump's Resolve, Endurance, Defiance Enough?

My father warned me about politics decades ago. He said "if ya wanna get into this business ya better have ice water in your veins." He wasn't just telling me that politics was not for the faint of heart. No, it was way more than that. He was telling me that you needed to have nerves of steel, a backbone to match and a heart that can withstand more than a few breaks.

And it's all true.

Politics is a rough business. In fact, in the political world I've seen grown men cry -- and not just once, and not just on election night. 

On top of all that, politics is no business for the short winded. Campaigns have become longer, rougher and more arduous. The campaign trail seems endless and it's dotted with potholes, unexpected curves, road hazards of all kinds and even a crater or two. What's more, your most trusted trail companion may suddenly turn out to be a stone cold traitor. 

Why would anyone want to get into a business like this -- especially someone like Donald Trump who already had unparalleled success, money and fame? The answer is obvious -- unprecedented power. America may be receding on the world stage but, at least for now, the President of the United States remains the most powerful person in the world. 

Still, considering everything he's endured thus far -- and all the obstacles that are being placed in his path -- this man's sheer stamina and determination are nothing short of breathtaking. He's unquestionably one of the strongest (maybe the strongest) public figures I've ever seen in my lifetime. They keep trying to knock him down for the count but he proves not just indefatigable but indomitable.

Obviously, they want him to quit but all the vitriol, all the ridicule and all the legal salvos in the world seem to simply stiffen his resolve. Not only is this man relentlessly defiant, but in the midst of a battle that would have long ago wearied others, he remains energetic and even, at times, enthusiastic. He seems to actually gain strength from the animus of his enemies. He's emboldened!

But here's the deal -- the unremitting dynamic of a Donald Trump apparently scares many people who might otherwise follow such a personality. To be sure, it doesn't rattle those who have lived (or are already living) a hardscrabble life. But it does unsettle those who, socioeconomically fall into the upper middle class and beyond. Safe in their Volvos, BMWs and Range Rovers and seemingly secure amidst their well-manicured suburban enclaves, these people appear to be unable to cope with anything more challenging than a delay at the Starbucks drive through. 

And, of course we already know that Trump and Trumpism induce near apoplexy among the cowardly elites of academia, the cushioned captains of corporate America, the wispy weasels of the dominant media and, most of all, the entrenched courtiers of Washington and their fat cat benefactors. Donald Trump leaves them jittery, jangled and jaded. And they don't enjoy feeling that way. You see, they're not amused. Not one bit!

And now they are armed with a 37 count indictment that details . . . what exactly? Well, it seems to find that Trump was sloppy in moving, storing and talking about classified documents -- documents that he had every right to access under the Presidential Records Act.  

But aren't these the same (or even worse) allegations that Hillary Clinton faced? Yes! In fact, FBI Director James Comey found that Clinton was "extremely careless" in the handling "of very sensitive, highly classified information."  Then Comey conveniently added this: “Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." And Comey said he based his decision on “how similar situations have been handled in the past.” UhHuh!

Now, Comey has taken to writing fiction (no surprise there) and is going around the country basically campaigning for Joe Biden (no surprise there, either).

Be sure of this: Comey, Clinton, Biden, Garland and scores of others remain on Trump's case with other possible indictments in the works. But Trump remains implacable, explaining: "It's not me they're after, it's really you. I'm just in the way." 

Still, do enough people see it as Trump sees it and are they prepared for the slog ahead? Are they ready to show at least some of his stamina, some of his resolve, some of his tenacity? Because as far as we can tell right now, things are still gonna get worse before they get better.

Buckle up, America!

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