Friday, June 30, 2023

Yes, The Others Failed; Only Trump Succeeded!

A very perceptive and articulate friend ("Captain Conservative") writes as follows:

Dating back to President Eisenhower, Republicans have gotten the bait and switch when it comes to Supreme Court nominees.  The GOP voter has fallen flat more times than Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.

Republican Supreme Court Justices who have been confirmed, more often than not, turned left and rarely looked back.  The same phenomenon never happens the other way.  Beyond that bitter pill, those turncoats also legislated from the bench.  Judicial fiat is not democracy.  It is not representative of our republic.

Donald Trump, the mercurial, bombastic, and unrefined former president, has succeeded where all his predecessors failed.  His success will live on for at least a generation; hopefully beyond.

After decades of liberal rulings which stretched both the bounds of credulity and Constitutionality, the High Court is finally returning original intent to America.  The overturning of Roe was thought impossible. Done.  Affirmative Action. Done. Religious freedom. Done.

We should all thank President Donald J. Trump for these landmark decisions.  This has brought balance back to the court and America. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush II all failed where Trump really triumphed. 

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