Sunday, July 23, 2023

Dems' 'Environmental' Scheme Picks Your Pocket!

So Phil Murphy and his Dem cronies imposed a plastic bar ban which now SAVES retailers the cost of the bags, big time. 
How much? Millions! 
Target alone is saving about $3.5 million per year. You can imagine how much Walmart and Wegman's are saving. In fact, at last count, retailers were spending $4 BILLION per year on plastic bags. And that doesn't count the cost of baggers, bag racks, bag resuppliers, etc. 
Great, right? So, now that the stores are saving all that money, have they passed the savings on to you? HaHa! No way, suckers! You're actually paying MORE for just about everything you buy. 
And, on top of that, YOU'RE now paying for your own "reusable" (and quickly soiled and germ-infested) bags. And then stores selling you those bags are profiting from THAT, too! You can thank Murphy and the dastardly Dems for this entire scheme. 
Happy shopping, suckers!

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