Thursday, July 13, 2023

NJ Dems Latest Tax Scam Target: Seniors!


From our friends at Save Jersey (reposted with permission):

By Matt Rooney

When’s Tom Moran and a right-leaning group like Garden State Initiative (GSI) both agree that it’s a fraud? You know something’s rotten, Save Jerseyans.

In this instance, the fraud isn’t hard to uncover.

New Jersey Democrats are campaigning this year on “Stay NJ,” a property tax relief program aimed at seniors (a key voting bloc in any election, especially a low-turnout cycle like 2023 when legislative offices top the November ballot).

For starters? The “relief” (rebates) trumpeted by Democrats won’t be implemented until January 2026. That’s 2 1/2 years from now and AFTER the next gubernatorial election, and the distant start point is only the beginning of the problems.

“Late changes to the bill create a ‘Stay NJ Task Force’ charged with making recommendations to implement the program alongside existing property tax relief programs,” Politico recently explained. “Then the Legislature and governor must implement those recommendations, but only after they determine that ‘such recommendations are appropriate.’”

Said another way, seniors eventually getting their checks – three election cycles from now – will turn on a future legislature adopting future legislation. Economics will be the most like culprit behind a future decision to kick the can down the road.

“An independent analysis finds the state is looking at a budget shortfall between $12.5 billion to $18.5 billion beginning in FY2025, while the StayNJ program will not take effect until January 2026,” Audrey Lane points out in a GSI op-ed. “Meanwhile, NJ Transit, our school funding formula, and healthcare all face massive deficits.”

A pander which doesn’t even involve a likely payoff!

So when Democrats like Paul Moriarty (D-4), facing tough 2023 contests, publish videos of themselves assuring seniors that Stay NJ is help that’s genuinely on the way (see below)?

These poor people have no idea that #StayNJ will NEVER be funded…

They’re not in on the joke. Moriarty and his fellow Democrats are.

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